Neither an onslaught of spam nor the untimely demise of my laptop could keep me from this blog forever. I’ve got captchas on the comments and a new iPad, and I’m ready to roll!

Today I’m guest-blogging over at Desperately Seeking Sanity about hand-me-down baby clothes, though the thoughts could certainly apply to any hand-me-downs, and to used clothing in general. Thanks to Heather for letting me guest-blog, and happy Fourth of July to everyone!
I’ve been memed by Tracee over at So Sioux Me and asked to post seven random and weird things about myself. In keeping with the theme of TWM, I’ve gone to my closet for inspiration. (And just so you know, this is our storage closet, not the closet I get dressed out of every day.) …
The week’s almost over, but I think I’ve finally figured out the publishing schedule. No submissions from TWM this time around. The Fabulous! Festival over at iCiNG. Personal favorites: Individual Chic’s paean to “What Not to Wear” and The Fashion-y Blog’s musings on not just getting dressed, but getting in to character for the day. …
The latest Bits of Beauty blog carnival has been posted over at Tonic Gifts. Included is The Wardrobe Miser post Change is Good, as well as lots of other great posts on subjects ranging from sleep to body image.