
Take It All Off: Bargain Makeup Removers

One October several years ago I worked in the haunted house at Six Flags (click here for photographic evidence). I covered my entire face in thick, greasy makeup every night, yet I noticed that my skin looked better than ever. The reason? I was cleaning my face with cold cream every night.

cold creamThough I no longer wear that much stuff on my face, cold cream is still my favorite makeup remover. It cleans and moisturizes in one step, plus it’s inexpensive. I think it’s often dismissed as something only old ladies use, but I can attest that it works just fine for younger ladies, too.

baby oilMy other favorite bargain makeup remover is baby oil. I tried it after a friend recommended it as a cheaper alternative to the expensive Clinique eye makeup remover that I loved (I made my sample size last as long as I could).

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  1. I have always used baby oil. It is inexpensive and it doesnt burn your eyes and clump in your eyelashes. I like to take some from the big bottle and put it in a squeeze bottle to avoid a lot of mess on a daily basis.

  2. Jules says:

    I use Body Shop Chamomile eye makeup remover which is not as costly as Clinique and it goes on sale twice a year and I stock up then ($5).
    I cannot use baby oil because I am a contact lens wearer and baby oil clouds my eyes even when my contacts are removed.

  3. Not so much a makeup remover, but Bicarbonate of Soda works great for removing general dirt and pollution from your skin plus grease from your hair.

  4. Canadian says:

    I have just started using cold cream and I really like the effect it has on my skin. (I am in my twenties btw.)

    Although I was reading in “Better Basics for the Home” in the chapter about skin care, and the author recommended using an astringent after cold cream, because cold cream blocks your pores or something. I don’t know if that’s true. I’d rather use as few products as possible.

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  8. If a search on Eye Makeup comes up with a link to Take It All Off: Bargain Makeup Removers Friday, then what might the same search bring up the following day??

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    I have been very happy with a Glycolic Acid cleanser, that I bought after a facial, for keeping my pores from clogging. And I usually do a once-over in the mirror after I wash my face with that and very hot water, and perform gentle but widespread extr…

  10. Hello, to be honest I did not know that topics like Take It All Off: Bargain Makeup Removers had anything to do with makeup (which is what I was searching on). I found the article interesting though.

  11. Joe says:

    Hello I found your blog via Google while searching for Acne Skin Aging and your post regarding Take It All Off: Bargain Makeup Removers looks very interesting for me.

  12. Ginny says:

    I googled “cold cream” and found your site. I just wanted to mention that I am 30’ish and Ponds cucumber cleanser pictured above is the only thing that keeps my skin clear and happy. I also use witch hazel to tone afterwards. I live in the city and the smog wreaks havoc on my pores. I also have sensitive skin and this combination of products is cheap and works wonders. Way better than any of the expensive products I’ve tried including many organic brands costing triple this and not working even fractionally as well. Cool article by the way. Pun intended. HaHa

  13. The skin needs to be taken care of for it to receive the maximum benefits of a make up. A healthy skin boosts your make up look & makes it look natural and helps it express its true potential. On the other hand if you do not take proper care of your skin, make up looks artificial and does not improve your looks as much as it can.

  14. Beauty is skin deep and is a combination for looks and your character traits like humility, truthfulness, willingness to help others, a smiling nature, the kindness you have for others, the love you share. Most of the times it is these traits that make you more beautiful than your figure or features.

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